It automatically separates the pictures taken on the smartphone into three primary colors (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow).
By separating the separated CMYs, we can understand the principle of the three primary colors.
When the original image comes in with the same principle as the printed matter, it is separated into CMY and printed by the printer
Since the color printer prints on the same principle, there are three types of CMY color inks.
You can save the created photos and print them on OHP paper with a color printer.
See link below for instructions
1. Call up the picture and call up the desired picture from the pictures you have taken (it may not be called up if the capacity is large).
2. The imported photo is automatically created with printed material like Cyan, Magenta, Yellow.
You can see how the prints print by dragging them together with your fingers.
(For example, you can see how the printout will look when the yellow ink falls on the printer.)
3. Press Save Image to save the separated picture.
4. Print the saved image on OHP paper using color printer and cut it to make color photo.
(It can be used as a bookmark, making it small so that it can overlap in fan shape.)
- At the science festival, students can easily send and receive pictures of their students on their smartphones.